
  • My Name is Susan Yee (1975)
    Yee, a first-generation Chinese-Canadian girl, is gently precocious, frequently funny and an excellent guide through the diverse Montreal community where she lives.
  • Return Home (1992)
    First-generation Chinese-Canadian filmmaker Michelle Wong returns to her birthplace, St. Paul, Alberta, to get reacquainted with her aging grandparents.
  • Moving the Mountain (1993)
    This feature-length documentary follows William Ging Wee Dere, a Montrealer of Chinese origin, as he attempts to trace his family roots and the history of Chinese in Canada.
  • The Third Heaven (1998)
    This documentary gives us a glimpse inside the influential but little-known community of Vancouver’s Hong Kong Chinese.
  • Unwanted Soldiers (1999)
    This documentary tells the personal story of filmmaker Jari Osborne's father, a Chinese-Canadian veteran.
  • In the Shadow of Gold Mountain (2004)
    Filmmaker Karen Cho travels from Montreal to Vancouver to uncover stories from the last survivors of the Chinese Head Tax and Exclusion Act, a set of laws imposed to single out the Chinese as unwanted immigrants to Canada from 1885 to 1947.
  • Everything Will Be (2013)
    This feature documentary by Sundance award-winning director Julia Kwan captures the subtle nuances of a culturally diverse neighbourhood—Vancouver’s once-thriving Chinatown—in the midst of a transformation that plays out across many ethnic enclaves in North America.
  • Être Chinois au Québec : Un road movie (2013)
    Ce film présente la jeunesse sino-québécoise dans leur quête d’identité et d’intégration, ainsi que du désir de la création d’une place pour eux au sein du Québec.


  • Being Chinese in Canada: The Struggle for Identity, Redress and Belonging by WilliamGing Wee Dere (2019),Douglas & McIntyre.
  • Chinatown: An Illustrated History of the Chinese Communities ofVictoria, Vancouver, Calgary, Winnipeg, Toronto, Ottawa, Montreal and Halifax by Paul Yee (2005) James Lorimer & Company.
  • From China to Canada, A History of the Chinese Communities in Canada by Edgar Wickberg and al. (1982) McClelland y Steward.
  • How the Chinese created Canada by Adrian Ma (2010) Dragon Hill Publishing
  • Les Chinois à Montréal: 1877-1951 by Denise Helly (1987), Diffusion Prologue.
  • Montreal Chinese Property Ownership and occupational change, 1881-1981 by Rebecca Bruff Aiken (1986)
  • Righting Canada’swrongs: the Chinese head tax and anti-Chinese immigration policies in thetwentieth century by Arlene Chan (2014) Lorimer.
  • Smoke and fire: the Chinese in Montreal by Kwok B. Chan (1991), Brill. 
  • Struggle and hope: The story of Chinese Canadians by Paul Yee (2012) CNIB.
  • The Chinese in Canada by Jin Tan and Patricia E. Roy (1985) Canadian Historical Association.



  • Cha, Jonathan. "La representation symbolique d'ans le contexte de la mondialisation. L'exemple de la construction identitaire du Quartier chinois de Montreal." The Journal of the Society for the Study of Architecture in Canada (2004).
  • Hôpital Chinois de Montréal - Brochure
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